Cheers to 4 Years!
Dear OneBlade Family,
Closing in on 33 amazing years of marriage, celebrating anniversaries has become a very important practice to me. Personally and professionally, anniversaries are milestones that remind us to take a moment to look at what we have accomplished, learned, and how we’ve grown.
We launched our GENESIS razor four years ago on July 3, 2015. I am extremely proud of what we’ve accomplished to date, what we’ve learned, and how we’ve grown since then. As I reflect on our growth and our future, I want to thank you for letting OneBlade be a part of your morning routine, and for allowing us to serve you.
We’ve certainly made our fair share of mistakes along the way, but one thing has remained true since day one ‒ our passion to deliver your best shaving experience, every time.
In the last 60 days we’ve had some exciting new changes; we officially opened our Austin, TX office and grew the team from three to eight people! My confidence level in our ability to serve you well is higher than ever, consistent with the proven performance of our shaving tools and skin care products.
Each person who has joined our team shares the same passion to deliver great shaving experiences that are close, comfortable, and healthy. We share an equal passion for delivering exceptional experiences every time we interact with you. We promise to you serve you well for many years to come.
Here’s to more great mornings and shaves!
Best shaves,
Tod Barrett and the OneBlade Team
Jake Berryhill, Cory Drews, Efi Gal-Ed, Joel Ivey, Chelsea Kasen, Steve Miller, and Jenn Short
Additional Recommended Reading:
Electric or Wet Shave: What's Best for You?
Let's Talk Summer Skin Health
The Cost of Shaving: Does OneBlade Make the Cut?